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The "Made in Germany" label is an international label which attests the good quality of German industrial products. "The automotive sector enjoys a global reputation ; part of the value creation takes place in our business," said Jennifer Middelkamp of the regional management of the Economic Development Association. She had taken the initiative of an on-site meeting at Kromberg & Schubert GmbH Cable & Wire - the company has been a member of the employers' association for almost 30 years – with the Rheder city leading. "With around 200 employees, Kroschu is one of the biggest employers in this city - an important factor for the Rhede business location."
"Made in Rhede": Kroschu produces cables and wires for the automotive industry (eg data and sensor cables), in particular for the field of electronic mobility (high voltage cables and charging cables) as well as for industrial applications (eg medical technology, robotics, mechanical engineering) for the whole world. In mid-June, the management of the company explained to the mayor of Rhede, Jürgen Bernsmann, and the head of business development, Jutta Holthöfer-Büse, the good news for the business location in Rhede, including a factory tour.
In these Corona times, good news from the economy tends are not to be the order of the day. After an alleged case of pollution at the site earlier this year, the district environmental office completely invalidated it. However, the regions global crisis has also left its mark on Kroschu. The company is currently facing falling sales in the automotive industry and resulting short-time working.
Nevertheless, Kroschu Managing Director Dr. Martin Greiner had a lot of positive things to report: Our cables from Rhede are being used more and more in electric vehicles. "Our KROcharge portfolio represents a new development in the field of e-mobility. This includes the charging cables as well as the corresponding charging sockets and wall boxes. Local cooperation, for example with craftsmen and a workshop for the disabled , are paying off. In recent years, millions of Euro have been invested in the Wiegenkamp plant in machinery and infrastructure. In addition to the automotive business, the company is developing more and more sales markets in the industrial sector. Recently, the company's own laboratory was also accredited for external testings.
Electric mobility is not a new field of activity, but one in strong growth for the company based in Rhede : Kroschu has been supplying the manufacturers concerned for 15 years. The novelty is the cables on the outside of the vehicle, as Dr Anne Bremer explains : "The Corona-crisis has accelerated and has taken our KROcharge project forward. We are now looking for partners from the region, with which we can deploy the subject together.
Mayor Jürgen Bernsmann appreciated this exchange: "Since the introduction of the business dialogue in 2016, we have already visited many companies in Rhede in this way and we have informed ourselves about the scope of services and performance companies during factory visits. I am always enthusiastic about the engagement of companies, which is often global. " When asked about the suspected PCB case, the mayor said many citizens of Rheder approached him with concerns. "We are therefore pleased that the company has handled this suspicious matter in such an open and transparent manner and has taken additional precautionary measures."
Kroschu Managing Director Dr Martin Greiner added : "All measurements were below limit values, but we have now had additional filters fitted. Immediate switch to another silicone crosslinking agent is not possible. , as Mr Greiner made clear : "Anyone who wants to sell products to the automotive industry needs various certificates and expert opinions. The test and application cycles of each material can be very long and are associated with high costs. However, these financial advances from the company do not yet involve a supply activity. However, we are working with our customers and suppliers on possible alternatives.
Caption: The mayor of Rhede , Jürgen Bernsmann (front right), and the managing director of Kroschu, Martin Greiner, also discussed electric mobility in the workshop - cables are developed, tested and manufactured for this purpose in the 'Rhede factory . Participants in the exchange included (background left to right) Siegfried Fannasch, Head of Human Resources, Jutta Holthöfer-Büse, Head of Business Development, and Dr Anne Bremer, Head of Sales. (Photo : Jennifer Middelkamp / Economic Development Association)